How to Maintain Your Focus and Productivity When Traveling

by Dean on May 26, 2018

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If you are the kind of person who has to do work while traveling, then you are aware of the fact that your product can take a dip south and this may affect your overall work. Traveling can actually slow you down on your tasks, but this doesn’t always have to be the case. It is possible to get the most out of your travel, while also you give your work your maximum. It calls for striking a good balance between the two and treating both of them as important aspects of your life. If you are intending to go for a trip and you know very well that you will have to continue with your work during the trip, here are a few tips you can use to stay productive while you globe trot-:

Travel slow

The first tip to stay focused and productive as you travel is to slow down your pace. As you move from one destination to another, exhaustion is bound to set in and when you are tired and fatigued, there is no meaningful work you can do. Make it a habit of spending as much time as you possibly can in each destination so that you can rest, recharge and regain the focus you need to stay productive. Don’t behave like a typical backpacker who would like to explore entire towns in just a matter of hours.

Get your internet right from the start

work while traveling

You will require internet if you are to work while traveling. While it is a great thing to be able to travel and work at the same time, poor internet connection can be real turn off most of the times. Not all countries may enjoy the kinds of internet speeds you enjoy at home, and for you to enjoy uninterrupted workflows, you should plan on getting a very good plan in the destinations you are headed. The best approach is to use your smartphone for setting up the internet connection and so what you will need will just be a SIM card for the network in that country. Take time to research the best internet service providers with good speeds as well as wider coverage in that country.

Take advantage of co-working spaces

If you are in a major city and you have a couple of days to spare, you can always take advantage of co-working spaces to catch up on your work. The good news with such facilities is that they are always available and all you need to do is do a little search on the internet and you will have a number of options. They provide you with some kind of office environment, with good internet connections. They are never that strict and you can always work in a relaxed, but very productive manner. Besides, they are affordable and will always be cheaper than renting your own office.

Be wise with your choice of workplace

work while traveling

In as much as you may have access to great co-workspaces in the cities you will be visiting, it is not guaranteed that all of them will be suitable for your needs and will give you the joy to remain focused and productive at work. You have to do due diligence and book the spaces after surveying and determining that they are indeed the right place for you. For example, you wouldn’t remain productive if you have to work from some dingy place downtown with lots of noise coming from the outside. Again, if you need a reliable internet connection, you won’t find it pleasing to work from a place with speeds akin to the deprecated dial-up connections. It may mean that you may pay slightly higher for space, but if it will allow you to tap into your full productivity, then you have every reason to consider them.

Work early in the morning

Whether or not you are a morning person, you should strive to work early in the morning if you want to maintain your focus and remain productive during your trip. The reason for this is because you will always have a myriad of activities lined up during the day, and you don’t want to go through your exploration while thinking about the work you will have to do when you come back. Doing your work early in the morning will grant you the peace of mind to go out without feeling the guilt of not having done much or worrying that you may not be able to do your job effectively when you get back after exploration.

Eat well and stay hydrated

work while traveling

This sounds obvious, but it is something that most people ignore when they are traveling and they have to work. Some of them usually get engrossed with work in a bid to clear as much ground as they possibly can so that they can have ample time to tour around and in the process, they forget to eat and stay hydrated. When you fail to eat well and stay hydrated, exhaustion and fatigue might creep in and these will without a doubt hamper your effectiveness. Therefore, strive to eat healthily and drink lots of water to avoid the hunger and maintain the focus you desire.

Learn to say NO, especially to yourself

work while traveling

Travelling will expose to lots of wonderful people and opportunities you will desire to explore to the fullest. However, when you went for renew my passport and you know very well that you will be working during the trip, you must learn to say NO, not just to others, but beginning with yourself. There are times you may travel with a group and the temptation to go out partying till dawn may be very strong, but since you have some work to do, don’t shy away from turning away such offers. The same is also the case with any offers that might be thrown your way by some of the friends you will make during the trip. If you have to give in to their demands, then work out your work schedule in a way that you will do what you need to do before you let others take away your valuable work time.

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