Tips for Crossing the Canadian Border by Road

by Dean on October 23, 2018

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hether you are driving from down south, or you flew in using Canada ETA visa and you decided to enjoy some sightseeing with a rewarding road trip south, you will desire to have a smooth crossing at the Canadian borders. It will always be true unless you give the officers manning the borders a reason to doubt you. However, if you are polite, law-abiding and do exactly what you are expected to do, the crossing should not come with any drama. Presented here are a few tips you can use to ensure you cross quietly and smoothly and in a manner that will leave both the officers and you smiling.

Have proper identification documents

Crossing Canadian border

Every visitor to Canada must have a passport or an equivalent document for the purposes of identification. Only children may be the only exception to this rule, but only under certain circumstances. Without the proper identification, don’t expect to go past the borders. You will be stopped and turned back to get the proper identification papers. And don’t try to resist or insist on going past the borders if you don’t have a passport or a passport-equivalent.

Expect to address the border officers

If you are driving on your own car, have your paper ready to give the border officers upon request. Don’t dilly dally when asked about them or pretend that it is when you are looking for them. Because of time and because there are many people behind you, the office may pull you over and let you wait as you search for your documents. Trust me, you don’t want being pulled aside by the border officers.

If you are using public transport, then be sure to pass over your identification documents to the driver so that he can have them ready when he will be requested for them. Once that is done, whether in a private car or a public bus, be sure to take off your sunglasses, switch off the radio as well as your cell phone. None of these should be done when you arrive at the booth.

If you are traveling with kids, not yours, have a note for them

Crossing Canadian border

If you are traveling over the Canadian border with children who are not your kids, be sure to have a note written by either their parents or legal guardians showing that you have been given the permission to cross the border with them. The note should contain the name as well as the contact information of the parents or the legal guardian. Even if you are with kids who are your own, but not with the other parent, you must have a note from the other parent saying that you have permission to leave the country with the kids.

Know what is allowed and what is prohibited into the country

Are you wondering if you can cross the Canadian border with alcohol, pets, tobacco, rifles, or boats? Well, just like any other country, there is stuff allowed and prohibited into Canada. Before you make it to the border’s office, be sure you are well informed of what you can carry into the carry and up to what quantities are allowed.

Carrying prohibited things may delay the process and you may even find yourself being arrested or being denied entry if you can’t give convincing reasons why you want to cross the border with those particular items. Besides, use common sense to know what you can or you may not carry into the country. If it is legal in Canada, then you can’t bring it in. if also you are bringing it in large quantities, you may be taxed for it because there are chances that you will be selling them.

Be ready with your car registration

Cross-border car theft is real and very rampant in Canada. Besides, the border officials are always on the lookout for stolen cars attempting to cross the border as well as people attempting to avoid duties for the cars purchased in the country. The only way the border officers will give you the go ahead if you have a personal car is to give them the registration documents so that they can ascertain that the car is clean. If you can’t give the registration of the car, you will give them a good ground to turn you back or impound the car and even arrest you.

Check and know what is in your trunk

Crossing Canadian border

You should know every item in the trunk of your car and you should avoid having useless things that make the border officials start asking unnecessary questions. Ideally, it is recommended that you should remove everything from the car’s trunk, save for your luggage and essential safety items.

Be prepared to respond correctly questions

The border officers may choose to ask you a few questions as they see necessary, and you have a duty to give truthful responses to those questions. The common questions include how long you will be staying in the country, your reason for travel, and the address of your destination. You should be very clear with your responses and not appear as if you are faltering or not sure of the answers. Any reasonable doubt on your part is enough for them to deny you entry into the country.

Have all the relevant receipts ready

If you have made some purchases on the other side and you wish to cross with them into the United States, be sure to have their receipts ready. By this time you should know what is allowed and not allowed into the country and you should also know the limits for items such as liquor, gifts, and tobacco amongst others.

Roll down both the front and the back windows of your car

Crossing Canadian border

When you approach the border services booth, be sure to roll down both the front and the front windows to enable the border officers to see the inside of the car. The officers are at liberty to speak with the driver and anyone else in the car, and you should facilitate this by rolling down all the windows.

We hope that these tips help you have a smooth and hassle free crossing of the Canadian border during your next trip.

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skywynk April 21, 2023 at 7:44 am

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